Winning the heart and soul of America

America Needs Fatima (ANF) is a special campaign to spread the message of Fatima in the United States. The goal of America Needs Fatima is to win the heart and soul of America for Mary by spreading Our Lady’s Fatima message and promoting devotion to Her Immaculate Heart.

America urgently needs the prophetic messages of Our Lady at Fatima. Above all, America needs a clear direction, a great purpose, and the means to achieve it. The admonitions, requests, and warnings of Mary Most Holy can rightly be called a heaven-sent survival manual.

Learn more about all the different ways you can help us to promote devotion to Our Lady!

Spread the message of fatima

Host a rosary rally in your hometown

2024 RC Sign Up

Promote devotion to Our Lady in your home town and sign up today to be a Rosary Rally Captain on October 12th, 2024!

Just gather some friends and pray a Rosary in a public place!

Sign Up Here!

Learning Center

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Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

June 24: “I tell you, among those born of woman no one is greater than John…” Jesus said.


The Intervention of Our Lady in History

Just as in our daily lives we should always be cognizant of the presence of God, we should also keep in mind the power and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church

June 30: In the Year 64 AD, the First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church were burned alive as torches, crucified, and fed to wild animals by the evil Roman Emperor Nero.


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Putin’s Fading Empire

Conflict in Ukraine that has claimed nearly 300,000 Russian casualties and caused nearly a million more to flee the country. Russia also does not attract immigrants in great numbers. Birth rates are at a historic low, especially in regions near the conflict zones.

Why Are Signs Appearing in the Heavens, and What Do They Mean?

By all metrics, the skies of 2024 are overwhelming in their display of the extraordinary. Celestial spectacles are appearing with increasing frequency for those who know how to gaze heavenward in wonder.

Research for Sale

China’s inability to produce cutting-edge technological advancements has resulted in using American universities for R&D to compete with the U.S. in the marketplace. This unethical and aggressive behavior has not endeared the Chinese to American politicians or businessmen.

Media Library

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ANF Crusade Magazine Mar/Apr 2024

INSIDE: Three Ways to Practice Your Faith in Business • The Importance of Setting a Good Example • Keeping Grandchildren Away from Grandparents • The True Meaning of Easter


St. Anthony of Padua

Free PDF download of "St. Anthony of Padua" by Fr Thomas de Saint-Laurent

Saint Anthony the Miracle Worker!

FREE Sacred Heart Novena card

It is called the Irresistible Novena because it is so effective in getting results – graces and answers to hard problems. And always through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Most importantly, by saying this novena, you will gladden the Sacred Heart of Jesus!


Stay Informed. Be Engaged.

I want to help America Needs Fatima spread the Fatima message, please sign me up to receive emails!


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The Prodigal Son

The Prodigal Son has many striking similarities with the specific situation in which America finds herself today.

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Exhortation to Catholic Men

It is important that Catholics, following the path of their ancestors, abandon self-indulgence and engage in the fight, mindful of the promises made at Baptism and of having become soldiers of Christ by Confirmation. They need to launch forth “into the breach."

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Five Pieces of Advice for Graduates

As graduation time comes, many graduates will be making major decisions about their future. Here are 5 pieces of advice.