Guidebook 22 April 2024

Gaming the Political Economy of Conflict

Economic factors can prove decisive in conflict contexts. Policymakers are increasingly looking to influence political economy dynamics in their stabilization efforts. This practical guide shows how simulation games can help them make better decisions.

ENSURED: Shaping Multilateralism for a World in Transition

The international order seems to be in crisis. How can the EU defend and transform global governance to make it more robust, effective and democratic?

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Evaluation report

Evaluation of the ICRC’s Community Contact Centres

The way the ICRC is currently managing feedback is clearly helping strengthen accountability to affected people – at a limited cost and with manageable risks. But there are also design flaws and organizational challenges holding these centers back from maximum effectiveness.


Introducing Anticipatory Action: A Feasibility Study for Malteser International

Anticipatory Action means shifting from reactive to proactive approaches, crisis management to risk reduction, and dependency to empowerment – aligning with MI’s vision, priorities, experiences, and future direction.


Chinesische Spionage: Die AfD ist nicht das Hauptproblem

Die China-Verstrickungen des AfD-Spitzenkandidaten für die Europawahl müssen aufgeklärt werden. Aber die chinesische Einflussnahme ist mehr als ein AfD-Problem. Peking ist viel zu klug, um sich bei der Ziel- und Mittelauswahl auf die AfD zu beschränken.

Whose Bright Idea Was That?

How do think tankers know if they are making a difference? The short answer: most don’t. We propose a framework that can help think tanks better assess and perhaps even improve their work.

Read the Study

India at the Polls: A Primer on the World’s Largest Election

In 2024, more than four billion people worldwide are eligible to vote in an election. A quarter of them are in India alone. Here is what you need to know about this massive exercise in democracy.


Time to Get Serious with “De-Risking”

Berlin and Brussels need to play their part in denying Beijing access to technologies key to military modernization. Or else Washington will insist on restricting trade across the board.


Problems Not Solved: The EU Asylum Law Reform Is a Bad Compromise

The German government has celebrated the European asylum law reform as a success. But it does nothing to address the most important structural and political problems of the underlying system.


German Foreign Policy and the Rwandan Genocide

The genocide in Rwanda marked a turning point in world politics. Based on an analysis of archival records from the Federal Foreign Office, this study provides insights into Germany’s foreign policy before and during the events of 1994 and discusses lessons for policymaking that remain relevant today.

By Sarah Brockmeier-Large, Anton Peez

Olaf Scholz in China: Der Kanzler muss deutsche Kerninteressen verteidigen

So wie Peking selbstbewusst seine Interessen verteidigt, sollte Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz das bei seinem Besuch in China für Deutschland tun. Er kann zeigen, dass Realpolitik das Gegenteil von Unterwürfigkeit ist.

Policy brief

Queering Displacement

Although international actors are already supporting IDPs in Ukraine, a particularly vulnerable subset – queer IDPs – have specific needs that are not being addressed. But there are clear opportunities to offer more targeted support.

By Maryna Shevtsova