Myriam Klink wants to be a Hezbollah commandant

Published March 23rd, 2015 - 08:48 GMT
Al Bawaba
Al Bawaba

Lebanese star Myriam Klink is in like Flynn with Hezbollah. The model recently thanked leader Hassan Nasrallah for saying that he and the military have her back.

"Hezbollah militants gave me a call and told me they will stand by me in all times, and will slaughter anyone who harms me. Thank you very much, Guys, I respect you, your leader and Islam. At least you are real men defending our borders not like others who throw themselves into Israel arms. Seriously, you give me hope in Lebanon," Myriam shared on her Facebook.

Never shy of making a bold political move, the diva even went so far as to suggest she wanted to join their ranks, but no bottom position for her! She wants to be the big cheese. "I would really like to be one of you. I want to be a commandant," she wrote.

Well, we know she's an experienced shooter, so we shouldn't be too surprised, right? Remember that time she revealed she'd shot her dad's leg?

Myriam's Hezbollah-lovin' post came a few days after revealing that she was sexually assaulted by a priest, leaving her distrusting of any religious man. “This is why I am an atheist,” she explained. 




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